Have you received a payment invitation from Creditreform Bulgaria? Carefully examine the letter and make sure that it is indeed from us. Unfortunately, copying attempts and third-party malfeasance are becoming more common. Please note that Kreditreform's envelopes and written invitations are branded with the company's logo, the text is carefully written and clear in content, and all e-mails are signed by an employee. It is important to know that unless the obligation itself is to Creditreform Bulgaria, we will not indicate another bank account to you, except that of your creditor!
Additionally, in the invitation issued by us you will necessarily find: clear details of your creditor, clear details of your obligation in terms of amount, currency and basis, how and where you can make a payment, contact details for Creditreform Bulgaria and available information regarding the processing of personal data Your data if you are a natural person.
If you need further information or clarifications, just contact us at the given contacts.
Have you received a phone call from Creditreform Bulgaria? If, after speaking with an employee, you still have questions or there are still unclarified facts or circumstances under your responsibility, just contact us again! It is important for both you and your creditor that the obligation is repaid exactly and within the specified time limits.
Where, how and in what terms to pay your obligation? Carefully read the payment invitation or email you received. They indicate the terms in which you can repay the obligation, as well as the repayment methods - by bank transfer, through payment institutions (EasyPay, Paynetics, etc.) or directly at the offices of a creditor (E.g.: mobile operators, credit institutions and etc.). If your obligation is to another company, including foreign partner, you can find the bank account of the creditor in the issued invoice. If you haven't received or can't find one, contact us so we can provide it to you.
Do you have an obligation, but you do not have the opportunity to pay it off in the specified terms? The principle is that any obligation due is due immediately and in full. However, many companies and individuals prefer to hide, with the idea that the liability will simply disappear on its own. This practice is extremely wrong, inasmuch as the creditor has the right to claim his claim in court, which leads to high legal costs and a drastic increase in his amount. Instead, if you or your company is experiencing financial difficulties, just contact us! We will agree with your creditor the best individual terms and conditions, so that you have the opportunity to pay off the debt in installments.